Sunday, June 30, 2013

On Vacation - Need to Post

Well.... I really intended to write every two weeks, buuuttt that didn't happen. And then I thought I should go back and try to recreate the time I missed, and that ain't gonna happen either, so I will just start right now with yesterday.

It was raining! That is a beautiful thing! I good day to stay indoors and finish projects.

This is a bumble toy and it took a while to find the right place to solder in for the switch to work.  But I got it!  

This is the back of a Busy Gears toy that Caoimhe's friend Grace gave her for Christmas that I promised to adapt. Procrastination WILL be the death of me.  I knew it was possible to adapt this one because Johnny and I had done one for Baby Jacob. But I had to figure out the where.  The more high tech the toys get the more difficult they are to adapt. It used to be I could just stick a battery interrupter in and it would be a switch toy. Now you have to track down and solder into a circuit board.  

But I got them ready and I will mail them back to Texas tomorrow, so maybe you will see her use them on her Facebook page.

Last night I wanted candied popcorn so I tried this Pinterest recipe:

I used raspberry kook-aid and Uncle Randy and I ate the whole 1/2 batch!

NOPE! This is NOT what mine looked like this is the picture from the website! HA!

If anyone sees these toys at a garage sale cheap (like $2 or less), please pick them up for me! 
I would love to adapt more of them for other children!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Few Things I Took Away From Skyfall

I finally saw Skyfall yesterday with my dad. I took away some really good thoughts!

First, I need to learn to ride my motorcycle this well! Now my bike isn't made for riding on roof tops but the skills should be transferable to other motorcycles.

Second, I think I would be very happy to drive a Land Rover Defender pick up truck. Just look at this thing!
I don't need to use it to stop bad guys from getting away, but it would be a fun daily driver! Looks like they are available used for about $40,000.

Third, I really need to go to London! Definitely my first oversees destination when I get my passport renewed! I plan to visit sights from Doctor Who and Bond movies!

Fourth, I REALLY NEED somewhere I can wear a little black dress, and I don't think it is in Waco, Texas. But if I had somewhere to go, this is the dress I want to wear! I think I will sew one over Christmas break! I know her jewelery wasn't really Christian fish, but it sure looked like it.  This would be a great cosplay outfit too. *Spoiler* I know, she dies, but not in this dress.

Lastly, James Bond proves in this movie that growing old ain't for sissies! Bond goes back into the field even though he flunked all the tests. He lives one day at a time, just doing the next right thing...

Here's to hoping I have figured out this Blogger program and it won't be 11 months until I try again to put up a post!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Eve

Kyrie and I had a great time! We made fondue with Guinness and cheese.

We were all stuffed and so we took a break from eating and watched Shaun of the Dead. Then when that ended we played Zombie Fluxx. (They seemed to go well together.)

Kyrie, and I had great chocolate fondue for dessert and then Aaryk decided we needed to watch "Bolt". Now you see I don't watch dog or horse movies because they make me cry, but Kryie promised it had a happy ending. It did give me an anxiety attack about 3/4 of the way through but it was a good movie.


Went to Mom and Dad's for Christmas!

I got Zombie Fluxx and I taught Dad to play.

I also made Christmas Bread. I love Christmas Bread. It is a sweetbread recipe with crushed vanilla wafers, brown sugar, cinnamon and other spices. It is a family tradition.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Vacation Fun

Ok! I always do better with this blog when I am at Kyrie's house... I think the tech just runs over from her and Aaryk. They are the reason I have an Audible account, where I downloaded an audio book for my trip! Kyrie helped me to set up the Bogger when I was here this summer! But I just got an iPad app that should make it easier to stay current.

After a hard time getting the truck started on Monday (it needed some vitamin B-12), I finally got on the road about 11 am. By the way it is possible to flood a fuel injected engine. Believe it or not I was stopped twice for my license plate late being out. I was suspicious but it really was out and my brother helped me fix it the next day.

I had a whole list of people I wanted to see while I am here and I have seen most of them, but more on that later...

Turns out there was still snow on the roads in New Mexico, however since I was delayed in Roswell by a giant scrapbook store, the roads were only slushy and not icy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living Life in FAST Forward! 6/13/11

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. " Soren Kierkegaard

Sometimes it is lived in FAST forward!  I awoke to a missed call from a number I didn't recognize and they didn't leave a message.  When it rang again in the afternoon I found out it was the special education director from Waco ISD calling to give me info about the job and invite me to attend a conference!  The news was good!  I get to continue working with Deaf students!  But to attend the conference I had to leave Lufkin in less than 24 hours! So much for getting anything done before I left! 

Because my room reservation was originally for the assistant sped director, I got this awesome suite!  All to myself!  Not that I spent much time there!   The conference was also at the same hotel. I was so glad to have the opportunity to meet people I am going to be working with! Since the amnesia last year I have a really hard time with proper nouns and learning everyone's name was really kicking my butt!

Turns out that people in central Texas go out for drinks so I went too...but mine was a VIRGIN prickly pear margarita.  Did you know it is the alcohol that makes it sweet?

I made two new friends Laurie and BJ.  We did lots of fun things over the next couple of days....

To be continued....

6/10/11 A Trip to the Tea Room

Mom and I have been talking about going to Madeline's Tea Room for years but after we delivered a wedding cake for her friend's wedding we got serious about it!

We had a beautiful lunch and Monica even held hands and prayed with us!  I would really like to take Jasmine and Angel there some time and I pray they stay open and I can take Leah and Chloe when she is old enough to remember it!

 It is just as cute as a doll house! Everywhere you look are little tea cups and Teddy bears and lace!  The world needs more attention to detail like this!